A Highly Complex Advanced Diagnostics Lab

Delivering rapid, reliable, and meaningful results. Providing impactful, individualized molecular diagnostics solutions.

About Firstox

At Firstox Laboratories, we set ourselves apart as the premier choice for medical diagnostics by offering an unparalleled combination of accuracy, speed, and customer service. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest in diagnostic technology, allowing us to provide a comprehensive range of testing services, low sensitivity toxicology and other specialty testing. Our expert team of scientists, technicians, and medical professionals are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability, ensuring that you receive the most precise and actionable results.

In addition, our streamlined sample submission process and rapid turnaround times are designed to meet the urgent needs of healthcare providers, making us the ideal partner for facilities that demand excellence. Choose Firstox Laboratories and experience the difference that comes from partnering with a leader in diagnostic innovation and customer satisfaction.

Patient-Friendly Billing

We understand how complicated insurance billing can be. Our team of dedicated professionals will work with your insurer and the provider to maximize patient benefits.

Personal Service

Bringing advanced diagnostics to communities around the country, we pride ourselves in providing individualized service to each of our clients. Our clients receive a dedicated point of contact who knows their account.

State of the Art Technology

High-throughput and consistently accurate results are top priorities, that’s why we’ve invested in cutting-edge equipment that puts us miles ahead of most laboratories.

Automated Aliquotters

Automated Liquid Handlers

Mass Spectrometers

Various Real-Time PCR Instruments

Direct to Consumer Testing

Fully Integrated LIMS Software